# March 9 – 27 / 2020
Utility adjustments and fixes, small issues here and there.
Tried to address performance issues.
- Option to embed request forms into dialog boxes
- Open CRM contact config for clients to edit/add something
- Synchronise date from external UMS when user submitted application for the course
- Improved Label management
- Create Check-in list similar to Attendance list we have under School with filters
- Timetable is working very slow (refactor)
- Typing in the notes section is slow
- Adjust association of communities and active groups in the student config
- Attendance analytics by group is not generating
- Add “community”, “parent’s phone” to the students main profile
- Add option to enable disable “Zoom” from “virtual classroom” section in LMS
- Generate links when VC is enabled on group settings and group is created/modified
- Review Liveboard (virtual classroom) reminder
- Adjust First/Last name filter on Test Result
- Improve registration page https://app.tutor-platform.com/register
- Filter is being updated after refresh
- Lesson cancelation results to the Period cancelation on COAF
- Make Register button inactive once user submit AUA PT
- Not possible to delete/upload an image
More performance improvements in upcoming release 5.6.0.
Stay tuned!
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