Regional Development Centres

Digitise Regional Rural Development Centres


You aim to deliver education to areas that have poor school system, little teaching resource and luck of materials.

This is a challenge as not many agree to relocate to become a teacher, usually no budget for books / materials and develop school infrastructure.

There is a solution though: technology!

Remote trainings over internet is quite practical and is real.

More people have mobile phones capable of handling virtual classroom software and e-learning materials than you will think, people invest in mobile phones as those connect them to their relatives and to the world overall.

There is still one challenge though: mobile internet. This problem also can be solved. Most mobile providers have data free option to provide free mobile internet to your website.


Self-paced learning + development centres.


Training can be delivered over mobile app or mobile web browser. Learning is fully tracked. Students receive gamified daily dose of learning.

Trainers/facilitators can review results and react. Content is interactive, can contain audio/video materials and images.

Students do exercises right in their mobile phones and data is collected and analysed.

Development Centres

Setup learning labs in locations where internet is available – small cities, villages with better infrastructure.

Students can have virtual lessons from learning labs, remotely connected with trainers.

This can be done using zoom, desktop or tablet computers. Beamer with speakers can be used to deliver training to bigger groups.

Students can use own mobile phones or tablet devices if available for in class exercises and interaction with trainer.