Create your online school and sell courses

Teach whatever you want. Online, offline, blended. Create stunning, professional-looking courses and increase the number of your students.

Build your online school

Design and build your school’s profile with our easy-made editor. Choose what type of course you want to provide: webinar, workshop, e-learning. Add stunning photos and show your future learners the environment they are going to learn in. Gain their trust. Describe school’s teaching approach and unique points. Outline your teaching strategy; small groups, individual approach, flexible schedule, online live trainings. Make for your potential students clear why they should choose your school and book your courses.

Create unlimited courses

Attract your perspective students with well-structured, thoroughly described courses. Add a schedule, offer free trails to increase student registrations. Organise free webinars to give an introduction and enhance your visibility.

Create branded registration forms

Design your own registration forms. Add admission rules, require proof of completions. Share them on all social media channels. Do not forget to give your perspective students a chance to join free trial lessons as well.

Customise registration forms

Add and modify as many fields as you want in registration forms: student demographics, contact details, documents and other attachments. Tailor them to capture every potential student’s needs. Connect them to specific course. Use it instead of Google Forms to better filter your perspective students and track the course enrolment. Share them in social media.

Grow your contact base

With CRM tool, you will keep a track on each enrolment request and will not lose any perspective student. Send out your branded registration forms and start receiving registration requests. Assign labels, statuses, reminders to enrolment requests.

Manage all requests

Manage all registration requests. Create tasks to follow up and contact your perspective students. Engage sales and marketing department to work on request board together. Take care of each request and address it accordingly. 

See how your business grows

Monitor customer engagement and optimize your pages to increase sales. Create marketing campaigns based on the data you receive through analytics.

Want to see how this runs in real life?

Course Finder Releases

Detect language proficiency level in a non-standard way
| 26 June
Hello, If you are a language teacher or a language school owner, then you constantly deal with assessing one's
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Course Finder Updates 1.2.0. Multiple Schedules and Gallery
| 24 May
Forming an upcoming learning group can become a thorny issue when there are no fixed schedules. Here at
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Version 0.2.0
Posted by 30 Sep