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COWO:Kids-ը 9-14 տարեկան երեխաներին դասավանդելու համար փնտրում է ուսուցիչների հետևյալ մասնագիտացումներով՝ Անգլերեն Մաթեմատիկա/Տրամաբանութուն Գրաֆիկ դիզայն Ծրագրավորում Մեդիագրագիտություն Ծրագրի մասին COWO:Kids-ը երեխաների համար նախատեսված դպրոց է, որտեղ 6-16 տարեկան երեխաները մասնագիտանալու

Hiring business developer – working student (m/f/d) Berlin

At Tutor Platform, a leading EdTech company providing SaaS solution for training management processes from the start to finish, we are looking for a working student to join our global

Hiring Node. js/React js. Developer

Here at Tutor Platform we believe that all big changes start when we share our best desires and motivation to create, develop and maintain something truly valuable. Now we have

Hiring technical and content writer

Are you fascinated with technologies and all opportunities they open up? Are you secretly rejoicing the disruption COVID19 caused to education? Are you eager to fix them and create the

Hiring head of marketing

Tutor Platform is the leading edtech company in Armenia. With the ambition to continue evolving in the international B2B market we are looking for a head of marketing. Come join

Hiring content marketer

Are you fascinated with technologies and all opportunities they open up? Are you secretly rejoicing the disruption COVID19 caused to education? Are you eager to fix them and create the

Hiring- Senior UI/UX designer

We build next-generation education tools, gamify the learning processes, bring analytics and quantification into education. We collaborate with major education organizations like AUA, COAF, BDG, Lington, Learnship, EdTech Foundry to

Hiring-“Business Learning Community Manager”

Do you love working with young people? Do you have any experience in organizing business trainings? I am writing this text to find you. I am from Tutor and here

Hiring-“Content Manager”

Hello. I work at “Tutor” and I am writing this announcement to find my next colleague. Here at “Tutor”, we do everything in our power to make people a little


If you are an enthusiastic teacher who isn't afraid of innovation, strives to self-development and testing out different cool tools, join our team and make learning process fun! Responsibilities Identify